Puneeta Roy

Puneeta Roy is a media professional who has worked in film and television for over three decades. Her interest in expressive arts has led her to conduct workshops with young people using theatre and the arts as tools for self-exploration and transformation. She has been deeply involved in working with Children in Conflict with Law at various government remand homes in North Delhi. In 2014, she founded The Yuva Ekta Foundation, through which she has expanded her work among underprivileged youth, working on issues of self-worth and self-esteem to empower young people heal their past and make more constructive choices in their lives. The Foundation has recently completed and released a two-year research study, Building Emotional Intelligence and Self Esteem with Children in Conflict with Law using Expressive Arts and Psychodrama Therapy, which yielded valuable data on the impact of reformative practices with young offenders in India.

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