Read these fantastic and wildly entertaining stories and more in this enchanting collection. Find all manner of absurd adventures in Edward Lear’s story where four friends go sailing in a tea-pot with a Pussy-Cat to row it. Or follow Alice as she meets the vanishing Cheshire Cat, the bad-tempered Queen of Hearts and has to take care of the very squirmy Pig-baby. Here you will find fairies and wizards and magicians all ready with their wands and spells. When Goopy and Bagha, two friends, get lost in a terrifying forest, they end up at the King of Ghost’s den. There they entertain the ghosts all night with their music and earn gifts that take them on amazing adventures. In another story, Princess Alicia, all of seven years, receives a magic fish-bone from the Good Fairy Grandmarina. What does she use her one wish for? Delightful and hilarious, The Magic Shop has a charming introduction by Subhadra Sen Gupta and includes stories by the best classic writers: Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll, L. Frank Baum, E. Nesbit, Edward Lear, H.G. Wells, and Upendrakishore Ray Chowdhury. So open the book, turn the page, and prepare to be spellbound!
The Magic Shop
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