‘Rohinton Daruwala’s poems unfold like a baramasa, an almanac of seasons and sensations, exquisite torments and explosions of delight. He essays a sensuous portraiture of place, invoking torrential monsoons, arid summers, railway bridges at night, libraries in deserts. [He] spells out a frank eroticism in the textures and flavours of fruit… at the same time, [he] is entangled in the hypermodern present. He gathers traces of the loved one from residues both material and digital… [He] maps the city, not only through the portraiture of human protagonists, but also through the micro-ecologies inhabited by butterflies and sparrows… In Daruwala’s handling, the poem can be an oblique parable, a brief lamp of wisdom in the wind of distraction: light as breath, yet as essential.’—Ranjit Hoskote
The Sand Libraries of Timbuktu
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Author's Name | Rohinton Daruwala |
ISBN | 9789386050052 |
Format | Hardback |
Imprint | Speaking Tiger |
Pages | 88 |