On her twelfth birthday, Nimmi Daruwala is super excited about two things: her first mobile phone and her birthday party. But too many disasters await her. Instead of unhealthy chocolates, Mrs Daruwala brings healthy non-chocolate Jowar Banana Bites for Nimmi to distribute in school. Mean girl Alisha Dubash is throwing an extravagant party for the class on the same day as Nimmi’s birthday celebration; Ali has signed her up for her first ever inter-school Scrabble tournament; and Miss Aatmaja transforms into her vampire-self once again thanks to the Jowar Banana Bite. And even Nimmi’s new phone turns on her by sending weird autocorrected messages to people. Will Nimmi’s friends—mainly Kabir—choose to attend her party instead of Alisha’s? Will she be able to come up with at least one high-scoring word at the Scrabble tournament? And above all, will Miss Aatmaja succeed in getting Nimmi expelled from Vidya World School?
Nimmi’s Bizuper Birthday
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